Fees - Mediators
As many of our colleages, our fees are calculated in principle on the basis of the time spent working on the case that is entrusted to us.
The hourly rate of each contributor varies depending on the type of service and of the complexity of the case.
In compliance with the article 10 of the law n°71-1130 of the 31st of December 1971 reforming of certain judicial and legal professions modified by the law n°2015-990 of the 6th of August 2015 – art. 50 (V), the fees of application, consultation, assistance, advice, drafting legal documents under private signature and pleadings are set in agreement with the client.
Except in an emergency or in force majeure or when he intervenes under the title of legal aid or from de third part of the law n°91-657 of the 10th of July 1991 relative to legal aid, the attorney concludes in writing with his client a fee agreement, that precises, the amount or method of determining the fees covering the foreseeable diligence, as well as the various costs and disbursements envisaged.
To avoid any ambiguity, the issue of fees is clarified from the moment of contact and formalized in a fee agreement.
Any contestation regarding the amount and the recovery of the Lawyer’s fees, costs and disbursements can only be settled, in the absence of agreement between the parties, by resorting to the procedure provided for in Articles 174 and following of Decree No. 91-1197 of 27 November 1991 organizing the legal profession. The President of the Bar Association at the Paris Court of Appeal is seized at the request of the most diligent party.
Consumer mediator with the National Bar Council
In accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 612-1 and following of the Consumer Code, you have the possibility as a consumer, to have free recourse to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB) whose contact details are as follows:
CNB-Consumer Mediator - 180 Boulevard Haussmann 75008 PARIS
Email : mediateur at mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr
Website : https://mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr}